Presenting "Self-hosted DDEV on GitHub Actions" by Jon Pugh at DrupalGovCon 2024

Next week I'm headed to DrupalGovCon 2024 to present on a brand new technique I created for hosting fast and reliable preview/test environments using DDEV and GitHub Actions.

DDEV supports what they call "Casual Hosting". With the right config tweaks, you can run multiple DDEV sites on a server for hosting sites on the internet.

New Composer plugin "Remote Bin Scripts" makes it easy to install 3rd party tools.

Recently we finished a project that was being moved to Pantheon.

We created a couple custom scripts for pushing data into the pantheon environment, and for pulling data down for continuous integration runs.

The scripts require the Terminus CLI tool created by Pantheon to interact with it's service.

Terminus is a composer project, but it's dependencies don't align with the latest Drupal sites. It's best to install it as a phar file and run it that way.