I'm headed to DrupalCon on Monday morning, and hope to spend most of my time recruiting users and sprinters to DevShop development.
The DrupalCon sprints are an amazing opportunity to work together with people in person. Despite being very remote-oriented, there really is no replacement for face to face work, especially when it comes to complex projects like DevShop.
There are a number of opportunities this week to come learn about devshop.
I'll be sprinting on DevShop on Monday afternoon, all day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! There are a few sessions and other BoF's I plan on attending, but my main focus will be to help the devshop community meet, recruit developers, give demos, and assisting setup with anyone who is interested.
Keep an eye on #devshop on IRC, @opendevshop on twitter, and follow me @jonpugh for more information throughout the week on where and when sprints will be happening.
There is also a master Sprints spreadsheet available with the schedule for all sprinters on all topics.
Add your name to the list!
Birds of a Feather: DevShop Workshop
I've got a BoF scheduled on Tuesday at 5pm for a DevShop Workshop. I'll be there ready to help anyone who's interested in installing, using, or developing devshop. See you in room 510!
Birds of a Feather: Aegir!
Come join us for discussing Aegir at large at the Aegir BoF. We'll probably be mostly talking about the upcoming 3.0 release, and what the plans are for 4.0 after that.
This is an important time for Aegir, as with any new release, we've got the opportunity for improvements and major changes in the next version. Come join us to discuss what the future might look like.
Other Sessions & BoFs
There are a number of sessions and BoFs I am going to keep my eye on to learn about more techniques people are using for dev ops, continuous integration and testing, and more:
BoF: Continous Delivery
Now that DevShop can be used as a continuous integration, testing, and delivery platform, it will be interesting to discuss the overall process in this group.
BoF: Ansible for Drupal Infrastructure and Deployments
I am a huge fan of GeerlingGuy, even if he doesn't know it yet. We use Ansible to install devshop, and ansible roles are at the core of the next version of devshop, which will be able to manage and deploy servers for any software in any language. I'm really looking forward to this BoF.
Session: PHP Containers at Scale: 5K Containers per Server
David Strauss of Pantheon is going to pop the hood to show how they can handle massive amounts of sites per server using containers. DevShop doesn't use containers, yet, so I am very keen to learn as much as I can so we can get started.
BoF: Leveraging Hybrid Cloud Orchestration
This BoF is being put on by the author of the Cloud module for Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/project/cloud
This should be very interesting because there is a lot of similarities between this module and the vision for DevShop 2.0.0.
Session: 4x High Performance for Drupal - Step by Step
I'm looking forward to this session because we want to incorporate high performance tools into devshop out of the box. I hope to learn enough from this walkthrough to start adding performance enhancements to devshop hosting immediately.
Get in Touch
I'm available all week to give demos or chat devshop, so if you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch via our contact form or on Twitter!